What Have You Seen on a Job Resume That Made Your Jaw Drop?

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What have you seen on a job resume that made your jaw drop?

I used to manage a hotel in a resort area. We were running ads for new personnel across our various departments. One busy day, I remember a young man coming-up to the front desk and asking the name of the manager. He was told, “Mr. Parker.” Apparently, he had scheduled an interview with us, and he wanted to make a good impression by personalizing the cover letter for his resume. Good tactic, most of the time. On the day of the interviews, several people had arrived, as I would usually book three quick initial interviews per half-hour block. First-come, first-served, and this usually meant that I would have at least one person to interview, although we didn’t get a lot of no-shows. For my first interview of the day, my FDO handed me this. He has impeccable spelling. I left his name off of the letter, as I promised I would do. After we all finished laughing, I went to greet him. As I approached him, he said, “I think I may have gotten your name wrong.” No shit, Sherlock, but as he had made me laugh, and I’m sure it was an honest mistake, I told him that I would not hold that against him, and it would not be a reason against hiring him. He interviewed well-enough, but he was looking for extra work, on a part-time basis, to supplement his current full-time position. As his full-time position had a shifting schedule, I couldn’t see where he would be a good fit. We were looking for full-time, stay-in employees, and that wasn’t going to work for him or us. If not for the scheduling issue and wanting to be part-time, he would have been a good candidate and invited for a second interview. Does a guffaw count as a jaw drop? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Cheers!

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